Tags, Awards & Challenges

The St. Patrick’s Day Book Tag!

Tags, Awards & Challenges

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Not gonna even be ashamed: I was tagged a whole year ago and am just now answering the questions. Thank you Nora, for tagging me. Sorry it’s super late! (This tag was originally created by Emily from Embuhlee Liest.)

1. End of the rainbow: What book did you have a hard time tracking down a copy of?

Okay, so I have a story for you. A long, long time ago, little Mallory was obsessed with dolphins. And whales. But especially dolphins, to the point where she made her own little “dolphin facts newsletter” that she typed up, printed on ombre blue paper, and sent through the post to her friends. Little Mallory was a bit scary, actually.

ANYWAY. Mallory’s mother randomly came across a middle-grade book called Dolphin Diaries by Ben M. Baglio, and the first book was called Into the Blue. Little Mallory became even more obsessed and read the heck out of that book. And then nagged and nagged her mother to take her to the bookstore to buy the second installment, called Touching the Waves. Well, soon Mallory was addicted to these books about a girl who goes on a year-long expedition with her marine biologist parents to research dolphins. Except… it became harder and harder to track down the books as they progressed through the series. Mind you, this was when Barnes and Noble and Borders were still booming. And after a while, Mallory couldn’t find the later books stocked. So she had to ask her mother to order the books from Amazon, which her mother so kindly did, but little Mallory was an impatient tree frog and it just about killed her waiting for the next Dolphin Diaries book.

That was my earliest recollection of having a hard time finding/acquiring a book. But now you know all about Dolphin Diaries, one of my most beloved childhood series ever. Dolphin Diaries will always have a special place in my heart. ❤

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Tags, Awards & Challenges

New Years Resolution Book Tag!

Tags, Awards & Challenges

So, um, I was tagged a whole year ago, and just never got around to completing the tag. But now it’s a new year, so I thought I’d answer the questions. Thank you Nora, for tagging me. Sorry it’s so late! (This tag was originally created by Emily from Embuhlee Liest and Shivii from Brown Eyed Musings.)

1. Get in shape – name a book that doesn’t quite fit correctly on your shelf.

Looking at my shelves now, one of the many books is Inkspell by Cornelia Funke. I have a shelf dedicated to my favorite fantasy series, and they all fit… except for Inkspell, which I’ve been forced to lay on top of the row.

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Lists & Such · Tags, Awards & Challenges

The Annual End of Year Book Survey: 2015 Edition!

Jamie from The Perpetual Page-Turner runs The Annual End of Year Book Survey. Last year I participated in this gigantic end of the year tag, and this year I’m going to do it again!

I am not answering every single question since there are a few that I really don’t have answers to (such as, “favorite quote” — because I’m just not a quote person). I am answering 98% of the questions, though. Also, I am including books I read that weren’t released in 2015, for obvious reasons. And I’m going to try to spread the love around. (You may remember that last year I basically only talked about the same two books, The Scorpio Races and Midwinterblood, ha.) Also, click on titles to read my reviews — I reviewed all but four of the books I read this year!

Here’s my year in books! (Be warned, this is a super long post! I hope you’ve got a snack with you.)

Continue reading “The Annual End of Year Book Survey: 2015 Edition!”

Tags, Awards & Challenges

Blog Awards! Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award, Liebster Award #2, and the One Lovely Blog Award #2

sisterhood-of-the-world-bloggers-award-badge liebster-award one-lovely-blog-award-badge

So a very, very long time ago I was nominated for some more blog awards… I’m finally answering the questions, guys, like, more than 3 months later! Thank you to Cristina, Briana, and Kara! Since there are a lot of questions to answer and make, and facts to list, I’m going to do this a little less conventionally — otherwise I’d be here all day writing up this post!

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Tags, Awards & Challenges

Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag!

I saw Regan from PeruseProject do this book tag and thought, heck, why not? Because I love answering bookish questions and giving you guys (maybetoo many) recommendations. 🙂 (This tag was originally created by Samantha from Novels and Nonsense.) Plus, fall is an awesome season. It has my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Daylight Savings Time when we GAIN and hour, gorgeous colors, and cinnamon and pumpkin and that sort of stuff. I’m not obsessed with fall like some people are, but I do like it once the initial “back to school” vibe has calmed down in September/October.

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Tags, Awards & Challenges

The Real Neat Blog Award!

So at the beginning of this month, Chiara from Books for a Delicate Eternity nominated me for the Real Neat Blog Award! Thank you, darling! Can’t wait to (finally) give you and the rest of the world my answers!

The rules are:

  • Answer the five questions given to you by your nominator
  • Ask your own five questions of the five blogs you nominate

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Tags, Awards & Challenges

The Jane Austen Book Tag!

Mallory over at The Local Muse recently tagged me for the Jane Austen book tag! I’m thrilled. I’m a Jane Austen fan, although I’ve only read Pride and Prejudice and the majority of Sense and Sensibility (yeah, I never finished it, and I’ve read most of it twice now!). I’ve seen various film adaptations of her works, like Emma and Northanger Abbey, but my favorites are the 1995 Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson and the 2005 Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly. I also highly recommend the web series The Lizzie Bennett Diaries and Emma Approved. Additionally, I own and have read Jane Austen Cover to Cover, which is an amazing collection of all the novel covers ever that have graced Austen’s books.

But without further ado, here are the questions and my (multiple, because picking one book is just never enough) answers!

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Monthly Wrap-Ups · Tags, Awards & Challenges · The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post — August 2nd, 2015 [#21] | Monthly Wrap-Up Edition: July 2015 [#11] | … And some August challenges!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Last week on the blog:


Continue reading “The Sunday Post — August 2nd, 2015 [#21] | Monthly Wrap-Up Edition: July 2015 [#11] | … And some August challenges!”

Monthly TBR · Tags, Awards & Challenges

I’m participating in the 3rd Annual ARC August!

ARC August is hosted by Octavia and Shelly from Read.Sleep.Repeat.

So I’ve decided to join ARC August this year because I am woefully behind on my review copies. I just haven’t felt motivated to read all my egalleys recently, and I really want to get my ARC pile under control. I’m also thinking of participating in the 3rd annual Booktubeathon, as well, but obviously just in terms of the challenges; I don’t make videos. I’ll try to see if I can find ARCs that correspond the the Booktubeathon challenges, because then I can knock out two challenges at once. 🙂 ANYWAY, here are the rules:

  • It may be a physical ARC or eARC but it MUST be an ARC.
  • Yes, it can be an ARC that has released as long as it’s an ARC. I’m not going to nitpick much.
  • HAVE FUN WITH THIS! Feeling like you are being “forced” to read is the best way turn a fun event into a yucky obligation.
  • Update post! Octavia says: “I personally will do a post for each Saturday in August but that’s just me. You can update once a week, every other week or once for the whole darn event. This update can be in the form of a blog or tumblr post, vlog, link to your “ARC August 2015″ shelf or even an Instagram pic! I want to make this as easy and low pressure as possible for you.”

I’ll of course be updating you on my progress in my weekly Sunday Posts.

I’m going to focus on egalleys, but I have a number of physical ARCs I’d like to read, too. My plan was and still is to get to 80% on NetGalley by August, and I’m currently at 68% because I just got approved for a few new books. (Wouldn’t 100% be lovely, though? Sigh… a girl can dream.) I want to aim for at least 10 ARCs read in August. That’s pretty manageable, I think. That way I can read a few library books on the side, too.

Continue reading “I’m participating in the 3rd Annual ARC August!”